Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lessons Learned...

The learning curve is steep, here is what I've figured out so far:

1) If you leave half a chocolate bar in your bag, then go to the beach with that bag, and leave that bag in the sun, the chocolate bar will make a mess that rivals Baby Jake's diaper. It was everywhere!!! I had to go rinse my lip balm, hairbrush, head band (no's a goner), etc, etc in the Mediterranean. The first half of my mint meltie was delicious...the second....horendous.

2) I should listen to Tom and he should listen to me. It's mutually benificial. Point and case, In London Tom suggested I not wear my sandales on our sight seeing adventure. "Nah, my shoes don't go with my outfit" was my reply. Guess who was right? I now have a blister on the bottom of each of my feet...nice. Mutually benificial you ask? Well, had I heeded Tom's advice he would not have had to listen to me complain about my sore feet for 2 days!

3)In search of a nice cold beverage in Nice we were troubled by the thought that we would have to pay the equivalent of about $10 Canadian for a beer. Dismayed, we were heading back to the hostel when we came across the travellers haven for cheap drinks...McDonalds. This was by far the classiest McDonalds I have ever been to and yes, they serve beer, cheap beer. Lesson learned? Don't shell out the big bucks, the real cultural experience is right in front of you :) Henceforth, we shall be searching for a McDonalds in every city we visit! Hurrah commercialism!

4) Given the chance, Tom will choose to walk EVERYWHERE!
Me "Hey look there's a free suhttle to our hostel! And it arrives in 5 minutes."
Tom "Weeeell, the walk isn't too bad ya know, it's only about 15 minutes straight up a hill."

He feels he has accomplished more if he's walked. Me, I like the free ride.

More to come I'm sure :) Last night in Nice, tomorrow it's a 6 hour train to Cinque Terre!

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